
Computers Lab

The Computer Laboratory is the DNMIET's Computer Science department. It consists of 125 computers with license software. The Laboratory can be used in a broad range of subjects within the disciplines of Computer Science, Engineering, Technology, and Mathematics.There are many research areas in which computer are helpful to reach at targeted output. Current research areas include bioinformatics, computer architecture, computer vision, distributed systems, graphics and human-computer interaction, logic and semantics, machine learning, natural language processing, networking and wireless communication, operating systems and virtualization, programming, security, and sustainable computing.

Aim and Scope of Policy

The following Computer Lab Policy applies to all users of Computer Laboratories :

Sr.No. Description
01 To identify and protect sensitive or proprietary information and computer applications from unauthorized alteration or disclosure or physical damage, whether deliberate or accidental.
02 To protect the Laboratories from serious hardware failures or destruction through appropriate backup procedures and contingency plans to assure continuity of Laboratory operations.
03 To prevent the use of College-owned computing and networking resources for unauthorized purposes.
04 To provide training to the users, operators and laboratory assistants regarding their responsibilities in protecting these Laboratory ../../assets.

Rules and Guidelines

Users should practice responsible and ethical behavior inside the laboratories

  • Lab Admins are to be treated with respect and all their instructions are to be followed.
  • Users must submit their Identification Card (ID) to the Lab Admin upon entering the premises. Anyone caught using the computers with no valid ID will not be allowed to enter the Computer Laboratories for one month.
  • The Computer Laboratory is a place of work; all users are urged to keep the noise level down to the absolute minimum and to refrain from socializing. Talking loudly and unruly behavior are not allowed.
  • The one-person, one-machine policy is strictly enforced. Watchers will be asked to leave. No loitering or roaming around the laboratory will be tolerated.
  • Eating, gum chewing, drinking, or smoking is not allowed in the Computer Laboratories. Anyone caught doing so will be asked to leave and will not be permitted to use the laboratories for one week.
  • Lab Admin and the Student Assistants who act as deputies have the right to call the attention of any users whose actions are disruptive to or destructive of the atmosphere of study in the Computer Laboratories. They can send any user out and file the necessary disciplinary action.
  • When leaving the laboratory, users are expected to clean the work areas by removing all papers, disks, books, and other personal items.
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